Process the minced meat well (ideally by hand) with all the ingredients. You can taste it (unless you are afraid of raw beef) - it must taste intense, "slightly over-salted" and over-spiced as it loses some of the taste due to dehydration. Let the meat rest in the fridge overnight. Then create sticks (with a pastry bag) directly on the individual floors of the dryer (you can use a mesh sheet, but it's not necessary). Dehydratehe your beef jerky sticksat at 65°C for about 4 hours.

Drying temperature
35 - 40 °C
Drying time
8 -12 hours

Lean ground beef (organic) 500 g

Freshly ground pepper

Soy sauce

Salt 1 teaspoon

Tandoori masala spice-mix 1 tablespoon

The food dehydrator EZIDRI FD500 Snackmaker excels in the great price/performance ratio. It features a digital control, allowing users to set the temperature in the range of 30 - 60 °C.